Islamic Feminism
Feminism: An Islamic Perspective
- Anchored in the discourse of Islam with the Qur'an as its central text, and exegesis as its main methodology
- Core idea: full equality of all Muslims in the public and private spheres
- Increasingly distinguished in 1990s
- Women's rights are given by Allah and shown in the Qur'an, but there are irresponsible people who do not highlight issues regarding women
Feminism: An Islamic Perspective
- "O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed both of them many men and women" (An-Nisa':1)
- "And their Lord hath accepted of them, and answered them "Never will I suffer to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female ye are members of one another" (Ali 'Imran:195)- Men and women are created equally.
- Hammuda Abdul-'Ati : "What Islam has established for woman is that which suits her nature, gives her full security and protects her against disgraceful circumstances and uncertain channels of life"
- "Feminism" in Islam concerns the role and rights of women in Islam: aims for the full equality of all Muslims, regardless gender, in public and private life.
- Advocates of the movement seek to highlight the deeply rooted teachings of equality in the religion, and encourage a questioning of the patriarchal interpretation of Islamic teaching through the Quran (holy book), hadith (sayings of Muhammad) and sharia (law) towards the creation of a more equal and just society.
- Islam approves the First Wave of feminism as they were fighting for basic human rights for women especially in property and education.
- Islam disapproves the Second Wave of feminism as they fought for no need of marriage and reproductive rights
- Muslim majority countries have produced several female head of states and prime ministers: Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan, Mame Madior Boye of Senegal,Tansu Çiller of Turkey, Kaqusha Jashari of Kosovo, and Megawati Sukarnoputri of Indonesia. Bangladesh was the first country in the world to have one female head of state follow another, those two being Khaleda Zia and Sheikh Hasina.
- Through the study made regarding feminism, we would like to highlight the fact that feminism has made realized our rights as women. However, because feminism has deviated so much through its waves, we need to always refer to the Qur'an and Sunnah to reconfirm the rights that Islam has established for women. Therefore, through this presentation, it is important for us to remind everyone that there are irresponsible people who fight for their own benefit using the foundation of feminism such as Islamic feminism.